Deerfield, Wisconsin is a quaint, small town nestled in Dane County. Renowned for its close-knit community and rich, rural roots, this town offers an attractive balance of peaceful, country living with convenient access to urban amenities. Known for its prominent annual events including the Deerfield Rod & Gun Club's Fisheree and the Deerfield Chamber of Commerce's Fall Arts and Crafts Fair, the city welcomes visitors with its unique blend of agricultural landscapes and recreational opportunities. An excellent school system, diverse local businesses, and a strong commitment to sustainability further underscore Deerfield's commitment to maintaining a high quality of life for its residents. Endowed with a friendly Midwestern charm, Deerfield, Wisconsin is a remarkable place to visit and a wonderful place to live.
Cool Car Guys is Deerfield's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 1600 Center Ave, Janesville, WI 53546.